Rauchfuss Group Alumni
Researchers Receiving a PhD
- Deborah A. Wrobleski (BS Indiana –SB; PhD 1983) Research Scientist, Los Alamos Natl Labs
- David A. Lesch (BS Iowa St; PhD 1983) Research Scientist, United Oil Products
- C. Mark Bolinger (BS Wabash; PhD 198) Research Scientist, Shell
- Edith F. Landvatter (BS Carleton; PhD 1984) unknown location
- John E. Hoots (BS Millikin; PhD 1984) Research Scientist, Nalco-Ondeo
- Charles R. Ruffing (BS St. Josephs (PA); PhD 1985) Research Scientist, Eastman Kodak
- Timothy D. Weatherill (BS Augustana (SD); PhD 1985) Technical Manager, Klöckner Pentaplast
- Gregg A. Zank (BS Wisconsin - Superior; PhD 1985) CTO, Dow Corning
- Leonard E. Bogan, Jr. (BS Case-Western; PhD 1986) Research Scientist, Rohm and Haas
- Dean M. Giolando (BS Rochester IT; PhD 1987) Professor, U. of Toledo
- Kevin E. Howard (BS West Va.; PhD 1988) Research Scientist, Dow
- Jay Amarasekera (BS Bowling Green; PhD 1988) Research Scientist, GE
- David B. Morse (BS Ohio St.; PhD 1989) Research Scientist, Dow
- Anne E. Ogilvy (BS Purdue; PhD 1989) with family, formerly Molec. Probes and Dow Corning
- Xiaoguang Yang (MS, Fouzhou; PhD 1990) Research Scientist, LANL
- Steven E. Gammon (BS Bowdoin; PhD 1990) Professor, Western Washington Univ.
- Emannuel Ramli (BS Wooster; PhD 1991) Associate Prof., Atma Jaya University)
- Anton E. Skaugset (BS Reed; PhD 1992) Research Scientist, Patent Atty, Portland, OR
- Shifang Luo (BS Nankai; PhD 1993) Research Scientist, Exxon-Mobil
- Colin P. Galloway (BS Illinois St.; PhD 1994) Research Scientist, Cabot
- Eric H. Houser (BS Rockford Coll.; PhD 1994) Research Scientist, Naval Research Labs
- Ann E. Venturelli (BS SUNY-B; PhD 1996) Research Scientist, SRI
- David L. Compton (BS West. Illinois; PhD 1996) Rsch Scientist, USDA
- Philip R. Stafford (BS TAMU; PhD 1996) Research Scientist, Morton Thiokol
- Atul K. Verma (MS, IIT-Kanpur; PhD 1996) Research Scientist, Paratek Pharmaceuticals
- Karen K. Dailey (BS Notre Dame; PhD 1997) with young family formerly American Colloid
- Mark D. Westmeyer (BS Truman St.; PhD 1998) Research Scientist, General Electric
- Jonathan T. Goodman (BS Delaware; PhD 1999) Patent Lawyer
- Robert F. Pafford (MS, VPI; PhD 2000) Research Scientist, Goodyear
- Andrew C. Moreland (BS Abilene Christian; PhD 2000) Research Scientist, Albemarle Catalysts
- Jonathan G. Breitzer (BS Grinnell; PhD 2000) Assistan Professor, Fayetteville College
- Steven M. Contakes (BS Lehigh; PhD 2001) Assistant Professor, Westmont College
- Geoffrey A. Holloway (BS Ball St.; PhD 2001) Associate Professor, Cedarville University
- Amanda L. Eckermann (BS California Technical of Technology; PhD 2002) Asstistant Professor, Hope College (2013-)
- Markus Wunder (Diplom TU Karlsruhe, Germany) Research Scientist, Ohmx
- Joshua D. Lawrence (BS Rhodes College; PhD 2002) Associate Professor at Centenary College
- Daniel E. Schwarz (BS St. Louis University; PhD 2003) Research Scientist, Nalco
- Matthew L. Kuhlman (BS University of Toledo; PhD 2004) Research Scientist, SABIC Innovative Plastic
- Rachel C. Linck (BS Duquense University; PhD 2004) Academic Administrator, Department of Chemistry, Washington University
- Christine A. Boyke (Dickerson) (BS Lake Forest College; PhD 2006) Research Scientist, Colgate-Palmolive)
- Zachariah Heiden (BS University of Wisconsin; PhD 2008) Assistant Professor, Washington State University
- Aaron K. Justice (BS TAMU; PhD 2008) Research Scientist, British Petroleum
- Philip I. Volkers (BS St. Olaf College; PhD 2008) Senior Editor, Sapling Systems
- Julie Boyer (BS Buffalo University; PhD 2008) Research Scientist, Momentive Performance Materials
- C. Matthew Whaley (BS University of North Carolina, Wilmington; PhD 2009) Research Scientist, Dow Chemical Co.
- Bryan E. Barton (BS Millikin University; PhD 2010; Research Scientist) Dow Chemical Co.
- Aaron Royer (BS Indiana University; PhD 2010) Research Scientist, SABIC Innovative Plastics
- Mark Ringenberg (BS University of Pittsburgh; PhD 2011) Postdoc, University of Stuttgart
- Chris Letko (BS, University of California-Riverside; PhD 2011; Senior Research Chemist, Dow, Baytown, TX)
- Mathew Olsen (BS, University of Virginia; PhD 2011; Senior Research Chemist, Dow Corning, Midland, MI)
- Maria E. Carroll (BS Drew University; PhD 2013 Assistant Professor, University of Providence)
- James Lansing (BS, University of Delaware; PhD 2014; Senior Research Chemist, BASF)
- Brian Manor (BS Kent State University; PhD 2014; Visiting Assistant Professor, Loras College)
- Olbelina Ulloa (BS University of Connecticut; PhD 2015; Assistant Professor, University of Texas-Gaveston)
- Geoffrey Chambers (BS University of Idaho; PhD 2016), postdoc, PNNL (M. Bullock)
- Wan-Yi ("Amy") Chu (BS, National Taiwan University; PhD 2016), postdoc, University of Pennsylvania (K. Goldberg)
- Michaela Carlson (BS Grinnell College; PhD 2018), Assistant Professor, Northland College
Researchers Receiving a MS
(in approximate order of when in group)
- Stella Bucknor (MD, location unknown)
- Mark Massa (BS Illinois Wesleyan; MS 1988) Research Scientist, Monsanto, St. Louis
- Steve Smith (BS Grand Valley State; MS 2005) Spectroscopist, Dow Chemical
- Bradford Gorecki (BS Toledo; MS 2006) Research Assistant, Lubrizol
- Jane L. Stanley (BS Hollins; MS 2007) Patent Examiner, U.S. Patent Office
- Cameron Spahn (BS Wisconsin; MS 2007)
- Amanda Mack (BS University of Rochester, NY; MS 2009) Teacher, Phillips Andover Academy, Andover, MA
- Riccardo Zaffaroni (BS Universitá di Milano Biocca; PhD 2017, University of Amsterdam)
- Claudio Cappelletti (University of Milano-Bicocca, graduate trainee in group), PhD candidate, Université de Fribourg