Rauchfuss Group Alumni
Undergraduate Researchers
(in approximate order of when in group)
- Ciro Cirincione, MD at Loyola, medical doctor
- Cathy (Jones) Murphy, PhD at Wisconsin; Markunas Professor, UIUC)
- Robert DesEnfants, PhD at Wisconsin; instructor New Mexico State Univ.
- Jeffery Zebrowski, PhD at Wisconsin; staff member at Argonne National Labs
- Steven Schmidt, PhD at Northwestern University
- Wade Jarrell, MS at Northwestern University
- Elise Benjamin, homemaker in Texas
- Cornelia Bauer, PhD at UIUC; Bayer Healthcare, Berlin
- Thomas Vaid, PhD at Cornell; Assistant Research Scientist, University of Michigan
- Ulricke Krautscheid (deceased)
- David Aubry, PhD at LSU; research scientist at Dow
- Kyle Jensen, PhD at MIT; administrator at MIT
- Nathaniel Szymczak, PhD at Oregon; Assist. Prof. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
- Michael Salata, PhD at Northwestern University; reseach scientist at BP
- Slava Bekker, PhD at UC-Davis; Faculty member, Hartnell College
- Staci Abron, teacher in Spain
- Tabassum Chowdhury, Conoco
- Nicolas George, advanced degree candidate; location unknown
- Ross Putman
- Beth Papanek, MS Bioenergy, University of Illinois-UC; Graduate student at Bredesen Center's Energy Science and Engineering
- Joshua Day, MS 2013, University of California, San Diego
- Anthony Rohrer; Sun Chemicals
- Benjamin Garrett, PhD 2017, Ohio State University; Entegris
- Tyler Cochrane, Eli Lilly
- Elizabeth Kahle, graduate school, Drexel University
- Raymond Cao, unknown
- Can Liao, graduate school, unknown
- Samuel Cvetkovic, Dental School
- Kinh Nguyen, current
- Rebecca Haight, graduate school, Ohio State University